Rod Band-Its Logo.

Simple. Handy. Convenient.

Where to Buy

Rod Band-It 2-Packs

Ready for action. Two Rod Band-Its packaged in your choice of colors.

Rod Band-It Fish Bowls

Large or Small sized fish bowl displays with 200 or 100 Rod Band-Its in assorted colors.

Rod Band-It Refill Packs

Refill packs for keeping Fish Bowls full. Each refill pack contains 25 Rod Band-Its in your choice of five colors.

I fish 400 days a year and Rod Band-Its might be the most important piece of gear I own. I catch lots of big fish too. Big... Uns...

Eyshir Fishalot

I own more fishing gear than most fishing stores. Rod Band-Its keep me organized and I'm pretty sure my toe nails look better too.

Gere Jeuncky

Rod Band-Its saved my life when a rabid beaver chewed my hand off. They secure rods and stop bleeding pretty well also.

Johnny Noah Fingers

Tame Those Leader Spools. Leader Band-Its.

Leader Band-Its. Elastic bands that eliminate the mess and frustration of unruly monofilament spools. Colorful beads allow color-coding of leader spools for faster rigging and more fishing.

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Tidy. Efficient. Organized.

Where to Buy

Leader Band-Its - Small

Perfect for fly fishing tippet spools and for Maxima leader spools, size Small Leader Band-Its. Use different colors to color-code your tippet stack for fast access to the size you need.

Leader Band-Its - Large

Large Leader Band-Its are really nice on larger leader spools like saltwater tippet spools or Reel Fill spools. The large, colorful bead makes it simple to remove and rewind material on the spool.

I owe my marriage to Leader Band-Its. She needed something to hold her ponytail in the boat. The rest is history. Any girl with fishing tackle on her head is my kind of woman.

Tak L. Head

Thank you for your Leader Band-Its product!  My fishing is so tidy and efficient now, I keep forgetting to stop for lunch. I’ve lost 30 pounds!

Cal R.E. DeFicient

On a remote, wilderness river up in B.C. I saw a huge, hairy figure on the other side of the river. It was Bigfoot. It sounds crazy... but I swear he was using Leader Band-Its. 

Kant C. Tuwell